Sunday, May 25, 2014

Thursdays: Life of a Blogger #2

A weekly feature hosted by Novel Heartbeat on Thursdays
(sorry I'm late this week)

101 Things That I Hate

  1. Bad politicians
  2. War
  3. Death
  4. Diet
  5. Funerals
  6. My alarm clock
  7. Terrorist
  8. Drugs
  9. My right side neighbor's parties,it happens every weekend
  10. When people park in front of my garage (usually from my neighbor's parties)
  11. Too hot and too humid days
  12. Cramps
  13. Pickles
  14. Ketchup
  15. Books with bad editing
  16. Things out of order (in a house with 3 kids, 5 cats and 3 dogs, it's always like this)
  17. Science ( I didn't like when I was in school, and I like it even less now, when I have to study with my kids)
  18. Flies and mosquitoes
  19. Stupid questions
  20. Big lies
  21. Dishonesty
  22. Disloyalty
  23. Cheaters
  24. Blackout
  25. Broken computers
  26. Breaking my phone
  27. Traffic 
  28. Really slow drivers
  29. Really fast drivers
  30. Line at the bank
  31. Lines anywhere
  32. Dirty fingernails
  33. Smelly people
  34. Talking on the phone (my mom loves it)
  35. Well done meat
  36. Burnt toast
  37. Shoes hurting my feet
  38. When people decides to fight inside a restaurant
  39. When people I'm with decides to fight 
  40. My kids fighting
  41. Too much rain during vacations
  42. A canceled flight
  43. Missing a flight
  44. Missing luggage
  45. Breaking heels
  46. Run in stockings
  47. Chipping nail polish
  48. When I get freckles (I'm a brunette, I shouldn't get them)
  49. Waxing
  50. Cancer
  51. Illness
  52. Cold showers
  53. Bullies
  54. People fighting on Facebook ( I do not want to know)
  55. Too much information on Facebook
  56. Racism
  57. Judgmental people
  58. Murders 
  59. Rapist
  60. Thieves
  61. Snobs
  62. Ironing/pressing clothes
  63. Sexism
  64. Clutter
  65. Dusty places
  66. Blisters
  67. Sweating
  68. Back pains
  69. When a really good book ends
  70. When a bad book never ends
  71. Reading out of order
  72. Being book OCD and not able to read out of order
  73. People that believes that I want to listen to their music
  74. Door to door salesman
  75. Phone salesman
  76. People who doesn't read a book, but like to trash it
  77. Nosy people that interrupt my reading
  78. In fact, any kind of people that interrupt my reading
  79. Bad smell
  80. Bad breath
  81. Bad hair day
  82. Cellulite
  83. Gravity law
  84. White hair
  85. Needing to dye my hair
  86. Hospitals
  87. Great books with bad endings
  88. Cliff hangers when the next book isn't out yet
  89. Cancelled tv show that didn't have an ending
  90. Stereotypes
  91. Chocolate ice cream
  92. Homophobes
  93. Bad days
  94. Going out on a sunny day and coming back on a rainy day
  95. Umbrellas
  96. Really needing to use umbrellas
  97. Traffic noise
  98. People eating with their mouth open
  99. People laughing too loud in public places
  100. Making this list

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